סגור את תיבת החיפוש

To transfer inquiries to the Bmby system, the form data must be sent in the POST configuration to the address:


** Choose “x-www-form-urlencoded” form and not

The fields that can be sent are: (uppercase and lowercase letters are important – fields that do not appear in your form do not have to be sent)

Fname – first name

Lname – last name

Phone (must include a phone or email field – at least one of them)

Mobile – cell phone

Email – email (must include a phone or email field – at least one of them)

City – city  

Address – address

Comments – message / comments

Website – the website address

Company Name – the name of the company

AllowedSMS – in order to approve the mailing of an SMS, send 0 in the case of not approving or 2 in the case of approving.

AllowedMail – this field sends us the number 0 when a customer confirms receipt of advertising material and the number 2 when he does
not approve. (the checkbox that refers to confirmation of receipt of mailing)

IP – sends the surfer’s IP. (Mandatory field in case of sending the AllowedMail field)

ProductTitle – interested in the product – the product the customer is interested in can be sent (depending on the type of system)
according to what is defined in the list of products in company management.

MediaTitle – source of arrival field, a field that sends us the customer’s source of arrival in order to see in the Bmby system where
the lead came from.


 Sources of arrival

– We must be informed which source of arrival/sources should be defined.

– If it is one source – send us the source, we will determine.

– If there is more than one source – you must send us the list of sources written exactly as they are going to be sent to us (characters, capital
letters, etc. are emphasized).

** If the sources in Bmby and yours are not exactly the same, the sources will not enter the system.

It is necessary to build two additional fields:

ProjectID –  Bmby project number.

Password -Password for the interface.

You get these details from support as soon as you send us the link of the landing page/server IP from where the leads will be sent.

 Additional dynamic fields can be set up in Bmby in order to send details into them:

● Text fields

● Combo fields with pre-built values

● Multi-select fields

Their establishment can be done by the customer or with the help of Bmby’s support.

After the establishment, we must be informed so that we can also establish them in the interface, and we will provide you with the relevant
details about them.


 Sending UTM fields for Bmby

UTM can be sent to Bmby according to the following fields:

● utm_source

● utm_campaign

● utm_medium

● utm_term

● utm_content

The fields can be seen under the interested->leads screen by adding the fields to the display.

There is another option to create a built-in arrival source by sending 3 UTMs together.

If you send utm_source +utm_medium +utm_campaign, a new arrival source consisting of these 3 fields will be created in Bmby without the need to
set it up in advance in Bmby and it will be possible to cut the leads according to this arrival source in the conversion ratio report.

For example:

utm_source = facebook

utm_medium =banner02



A resource called “facebook_banner02_tv” will be created

Repeated replies from Bmby servers

In response to a proper POST, the Bmby servers will return the value – Response=1 This means that the lead was received on the server with
correct values and registered properly.

 If the response Response=0 was received, it means that the lead was received on the server, but the values that were sent were incorrect, and therefore the lead was not entered into the client’s system/

You can contact support for more details about
the nature of the problem.

If you received a different answer (200 ok), this means that the lead was not received on the Bmby servers at all, the answer is not from our servers but from the server through which you exit and we recommend that you recheck.

**It is recommended to keep the leads on your side at the same time as sending them to Bmby, in order to avoid losing information in the event of a malfunction. (This is not mandatory).

 Additional highlights:

Bmby’s lead capture system receives data using the POST method only. (An attempt to send data by any other method directly or through systemic mechanisms will fail).

Error messages that the server returns

error no email or phone – a hand is sent without an email or phone, one of which must be a mandatory field – a necessary condition for entering a hand.

Permission denied – The data is not actually sent from the domain/URL IP address of the server you gave us, but from somewhere else.

Contact support to check and reset

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